Safe Return to Community Sport: A True Sport Guide for Parents and Caregivers

Infographic of True Sport’s Safe Return to Sport Guide

Parents and caregivers can use this True Sport guide to help navigate a safe return to community sport amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

As sport organizations return to play amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, there may be some uncertainty for parents, caregivers and participants alike. This guide can help you navigate your child’s return to sport.

To ensure your family stays safe and healthy, you should confirm your child’s sport program has adopted COVID-19 safety measures that are consistent with regional, provincial and national public health guidance, as well as sport- and facility-specific guidelines.

In addition, there is an opportunity to assess the program’s commitment to values-based sport. Are the True Sport Principles at the forefront of your child’s sport experience?

The seven True Sport Principles provide a foundation for positive, rewarding experiences that will instill character in our kids, strengthen our communities and increase opportunities for excellence - all things that parents and caregivers want from sport. As Canada slowly reopens, let’s work together to make sport even better.

Take some time to ask these questions of yourself, your child and the sport program. The questions are aligned with the True Sport Principles and are designed to make sure that good sport is a priority.


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